By-Election Call to Action

With the recent resignation of Ron Stevens as MLA for Calgary Glenmore and Cabinet Minister in the PC government, a byelection will be held sometime this year. The Board of the Calgary-West Provincial Liberal Constituency Association has been requested to assist with door-to-door campaigning, starting as soon as possible, with the objective of reaching every home in the riding at least once and, preferably, multiple times.

With the broad participation of Liberals Calgary-wide and indeed province-wide, success of the Liberal candidate (to be named this month) can be expected in view of the very disappointing performance of this tired PC government.

We are requesting all Calgary-West Liberals who can donate a few hours to this cause to email the Calgary-West Executive by June 12 and we’ll contact you just as soon as details regarding “when” and “what” become available.

This will be a great opportunity to bond with other like-minded folks for a terrific cause. If will also give anyone dispirited by the results of the election 15 months ago a chance to be reinvigorated by a contest in which enthusiasm and dedication can level the playing field. Those Liberals involved in the Calgary-Elbow by-election victory still fondly recall the pleasures of being joined with others in a cause that they believed strongly in.