Liepert Handing Out Cash Coming and Going

I mean after all that lobbying and special interest take-over of health in Alberta, Calgary-West MLA, Ron Leipert is ready to hand out money to almost anybody, whether they are coming to the health board or leaving the health board.

The people who sufffer?

Patients of Alberta's health care system and of course Alberta tax payers.

Alberta Liberal Leader David Swann is demanding an immediate end to perks for AHSB executives, noting that the money can be better used to seek out and hire more doctors and nurses and build more capacity at Alberta’s hospitals.

“Albertans learned today that Alberta Health Services Board executives are receiving raises of up to 25 percent, at a time when communities are losing obstetrics services and hospitals can’t create new beds,” says Swann. “They also receive up to $1000 per day extra up to four times a month just for attending public meetings. Most Albertans can only dream of perks like these.”
“These board members are taking home so-called honorariums that are worth more than most people make in a year at full-time jobs. And we’re asking seniors to pay more out of pocket for prescription drugs?”

The Alberta Health Services Board faces a deficit of $1.3 billion:

- $700 million for operational cost overruns

- Up to $600 million in capital cost overruns

- Nearly $6 million being spent on severance for the fired CEOs of the regional health authorities

- Consultancy fees paid to former AHSB COO Jim Saunders to the tune of $241,269.84

Alberta Liberal Party AGM April 25, 2009 in Calgary

All are welcome to the Alberta Liberal Party AGM, members are eligible to vote. To get a vote or run for the board of directors, members must register prior to April 24. More info.

One of the issues up for vote is the eligibility of young members. It is proposed that youth membership to the Alberta Liberal Party be dropped to 14 year old from 16 years old.

Michael Ignatieff in Calgary on April 6

Please join us for a grand cocktail party with Michael Ignatieff on April 6th. You can purchase your ticket online here through our secure web site . If you can't join us, but would like to make a donation you can still contribute online or even refer a friend.

Purchase your ticket here

The Grand Theatre
608 1st Street S.W., Calgary, AB
Monday, April 6th, 2009
6:00pm - 8:00pm

Cost of admission is $250 per person. Proceeds will go to the Liberal Party of Canada - Ignatieff Leadership. For more information please contact Shoaib Rasheed at (403) 615-3399 or

The ticket price of this fundraising event includes a federal political contribution and is subject to the contribution limits set out in the Canada Elections Act. This contribution is subject to the $1,100 limit for contributions to a leadership campaign; - Liberal Party of Canada – Ignatieff Leadership. If you have exceeded your leadership campaign limit or this ticket purchase exceeds you limit, any excess amount will be deemed a contribution to the Liberal Party of Canada for which you have an $1,100 annual limit. Only individuals who are Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents are eligible to make federal political contributions. A receipt for income tax purposes will be issued for an eligible contribution amount.